Natura bylaws

§ 1 Organization

§ 2 Purpose

§ 3 Rules for events arranged by Natura

§ 4 Language

§ 5 Membership fee

§ 6 Membership

§7 Members’ rights and obligations

§ 8 The Organization’s Annual General Assembly

§ 9 Board elections

§ 10 The board

§11 Use of bank account

§ 12 General decisions

§ 1 Organization

1-1 The organization’s name is Natura.

1-2 Natura is an independent and voluntarily run student’s organization which will facilitate outdoor events and trips. Natura will prioritize activities in the local region.

1-3 Natura has their connection to Høgskulen i Volda.

1-4 Natura is politically and religiously independent.

1-5 Natura was founded in 1971 (The Brønnøysund Register Centre).

1-6 Natura’s organization number is 997 350 901.

1-7 Legal person.

The organization is a self-owned independent legal person with limited responsibilities for debt. The organization’s members have no personal responsibilities for the organization’s obligations.

§ 2 Purpose

2-1 Natura’s purpose is to be a community in which people and nature meet. By focusing on simple, yet rich nature experiences Natura seeks to increase people’s interest in friluftsliv, nature, culture and ecology through outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, skiing, fishing, surfing etc.

§ 3 Rules for events arranged by Natura

3-1 Alcohol is prohibited to use at Natura’s events unless otherwise specified by the board in advance. Unless the board specifies that alcohol is allowed at a Natura event, it is also prohibited to be affected by alcohol in Naturas events.

3-2 Illegal drugs are prohibited in Natura’s events. It is also prohibited to be affected by illegal drugs in Natura’s events.

3-3 Racism, harassment, hate speech and discrimination is prohibited.

3-4 The board and Natura as an organization will to the best of their abilities contribute to conserve nature for future generations. This implies that Natura will be a role model of being environmentally conscious and follow the common rights’ duties (allemannsplikta), the Norwegians laws (friluftsloven), as well as Natura’s ethical guidelines.

3-5 Orientation talk (ferdråd).

In advance of every event which demands it there is to be held an orientation talk (ferdråd). The orientation talk is supposed to be a collective meeting for everyone attending an event or trip, where expectations, clarifications and risk assessments are discussed. For non-demanding events (i.e. afternoon trips including fishing, mushroom and berry picking, campfire in the woods etc.) the orientation talk can be in the form of an email sent out to participants. The email must cover the same topics as physical orientation meetings.

3-6 Natura’s events are by general rule exclusive for members only. However, the board can make exceptions and arrange events which are open for both members and non-members. This is to be informed in written form in advance of the relevant events. The board can also make single exceptions, e.g. in need of drivers.

3-7 The board is obliged to report illegal activities to the Police. This includes, however is not limited to, the use of illegal drugs and aggravated violence. In cases with suspicion, and in cases without proof, the board is obliged to council with the Police.

§ 4 Language

4-1 Natura’s primary written language is Norwegian Nynorsk. Natura will to their best abilities provide all public information (in social media, web page etc.) in both Norwegian Nynorsk and English.

4-2 Natura’s bylaws will be available in both Norwegian Nynorsk and English.

§ 5 Membership fee

5-1 The membership fee is to be paid at signup for Natura. The payment is done by bank transfer, cash, Vipps or the organization's online payment solutions. The organization’s Vipps number is 140524. The organization’s bank account number is 3991.10.23338.

5-2 The membership fee is to be determined by the organization’s Annual General Assembly every year.

5-3 The membership fee is 200 NOK per semester, and 350 NOK per study year (decided at Extraordinary General Assembly, 01.12.2023).

5-4 Board members are exempted to pay the membership fee the current year they are on the board.

§ 6 Membership

6-1 Natura’s primary target group are students from Volda University College, however non-students are also allowed to register as members. One must be 18 years of age or older to register as a member.

6-2 Members are defined as anyone with the right to membership which has paid the membership fee the current semester/academic year. Board members are also members.

6-3 Natura will offer memberships for both single semesters as well as the academic year. The membership follows the academic semesters/year of Volda University College.

6-4 Exclusions.

No member of, or sympathizer of organizations with racist or discriminating viewpoints, or anyone committing such actions towards other people are allowed to be members of Natura. The board reserves the right to exclude people with such viewpoints.

6-5 The board has, after a warning, authorization to cancel memberships of members in special cases of gross violations of Natura’s bylaws and rules for events. The board will consider how the exclusion will be done. The exclusion may be temporary or permanent, and can apply to all or certain events.

6-6 Honored Members.

The board has the authority to grant the status of Honored Member to members which stand out to the organization and/or do an extraordinary effort. Honored Members have a lifetime free membership. The membership must be activated each semester/academic year by contacting Natura. After activating their membership Honored Members are defined as members of the organization the following period.

§7 Members’ rights and obligations

7-1 Only members which have paid the membership fee in the current semester/academic year will have the current membership rights. Exceptions are granted for Honored Members and board members.

7-2 Members have the right to participate in Natura’s events. In cases where there is a limited number of spots the principle of “first come, first served” applies with waiting lists.

7-3 Members have rights to meet, speak and vote at the organization’s Annual General Assembly.

7-4 Members have the right to borrow equipment from Natura’s storage. Members are obliged to handle the equipment carefully and hand it back within the deadline.

7-5 Members are obliged to participate in necessary mandatory orientation talks and/or read all given information to join Natura’s events.

7-6 Members are obliged to follow Natura’s event rules, ethical guidelines and bylaws.

7-7 Drivers for Natura’s events (both members and non-members) have the rights to be compensated for the driving, as well as being refunded any fees for toll roads, ferries and parking which are necessary to pay to complete Natura’s event. Natura follows the Norwegian government’s rates for paying back drivers (kilometergodtgjersle). Drivers do not have the right to be refunded for any fines.

7-8 Registration for Natura’s events are binding. Members are obliged to inform within reasonable time if they can not join an event. If members don’t show up to an event without informing about this beforehand they must still pay the participation fee for the event.

§ 8 The Organization’s Annual General Assembly

8-1 The Annual General Assembly is the organization’s highest authority. The Annual General Assembly will discuss and create guidelines for the coming period. The Annual General Assembly must be conducted within the end of April each year.

8-2 Anyone with the right to membership in Natura has the right to meet at the Annual General Assembly. Only members of Natura have the right to speak, come with suggestions and vote at the Annual General Assembly. Non-members may be granted the right to speak by the majority of the Annual General Assembly.

8-3 Deadlines.

The ordinary Annual General Assembly is to be conducted by the end of April.

21 days before the Annual General Assembly the first summon must be sent to all members. The summon must include date, time and information concerning how one can send suggestions to cases to be discussed at the Annual General Assembly.

14 days before the Annual General Assembly all case suggestions and changes of bylaws must be in the hands of the board.

7 days before the Annual General Assembly the case list and rules of procedure must be public to members.

The Annual General Assembly protocol must be published as soon as possible after being approved by the signers of the protocol, no later than four weeks after the conclusion of the Annual General Assembly.

8-4 Changes of bylaws.

Changes of bylaws are approved by a minimum of two-thirds of votes by the Annual General Assembly. The Annual General Assembly will determine when the new bylaws will be valid, no later than 6 months after the conclusion of the Annual General Assembly.  

8-5 Agenda.

The Annual General Assembly must include the following:

Election of a leader of the Annual General Assembly and a secretary.

Approval of summon and case list.

Annual report.

Accounting of the previous period, membership fee for the coming period set by the board.

Revision of Natura’s Ethical Guidelines.

Changes of bylaws.

Election of the new board.

Received matters.

8-6 Extraordinary General Assembly

The board can by a minimum of two-thirds majority summon an Extraordinary General Assembly.

By at least one third of the members, the members can by a written application require the board to summon an Extraordinary General Assembly.

The requirement of an Extraordinary General Assembly must include which matters which are needed to tend to. If this is not provided the requirement of an Extraordinary General Assembly is invalid.

The board must summon the Extraordinary General Assembly at least 14 days prior.

The Extraordinary General Assembly will only process the matter(s) which make(s) the Extraordinary General Assembly necessary.

If the requirement of an Extraordinary General Assembly is seen as valid, the board will without unnecessary delay summon the Extraordinary General Assembly.

§ 9 Board elections

9-1 Anyone with the right to membership can run for board elections.

9-2 Way of election.

No candidates can be forced to elections. Confirmation of the candidacy must be delivered to the sitting board in advance of the General Assembly if the candidate is not present during the election.

Elections are held either written or by acclamation if there should only be one candidate per board position.

Should the election be invalid there is to be a reelection.

9-3 Method of written election

Written elections will be done using ballots (paper notes). Votes are cast after the candidates have been presented. Only nominated candidates are to be written on the ballots. Candidates one wishes to vote for must be written on the ballots, one can only vote for one candidate for each board position. Ballots with other names than the candidates will be discarded. The candidate with the most votes will be elected. In the case of equal votes there is to be a re-election. In case of equal votes in the re-election the election will be determined by a draw. The votes will be counted by an independent counting committee of a minimum of two members. The counting committee can not run for elections themselves, but have the right to vote.

9-4 The Annual General Assembly is obliged to give members the possibility to run for elections. The Annual General Assembly must approve this by a two thirds majority.

9-5 Candidates running for election have the right to resign from the election up until the election has been conducted.

§ 10 The board

10-1 The board must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 board members. The board positions are:


Vice leader.


Board member.

Board member.

Board member.

Board member.

10-2 Functioning time.

Board members are elected for a period of one year. Board members who wish to stay for a longer period in the board can by their own wish run for elections at the next Annual General Assembly. Board members elected by the Annual General Assembly will step in on June 1st. Board members who are stepping down from their positions will sit on the board until May 31st.

10-3 The board must:

Implement the decisions made at the Annual General Assembly.

Administrate and do necessary controls of Natura’s economy according to current instructions and resolutions.

Represent Natura.

Arrange board meetings when the board leader demands it or a majority of the board members demand it.

10-4 Authority.

The board is the highest authority in the organization between the Annual General Assemblies and will make sure that decisions made by the Annual General Assembly are realized. The board votes for decisions in matters by a simple majority of votes. Each board member has one vote. In case of equal votes the board leader’s vote counts double.

10-5 Resignation.

A board member can ordinarily choose to resign from their board position with one month's notice, starting from the first day of the coming calendar month.

10-6 Step-ins.

If there are unoccupied board positions the board can choose to implement a step-in to fill the position until the next General Assembly. A step-in is chosen by the board and does not have a voting right in matters decided by the board. There can not be more than three step-ins on the board at any time.

10-7 The board is obliged to constitute on the first board meeting after the General Assembly.

10-8 The board is obliged to inform participants about the risks involved in taking part of Natura’s events (see §3-5).

10-9 If the board is in need of it, the board can create resource groups. Resource groups are temporary and will work with specific tasks by instructions from the board.

10-10 The board must be registered in The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene,

10-11 The board is obliged to transfer the organization to the new board to the best of their abilities. The new board is obliged to get acquainted with and understand all necessary documents and resources used by the organization.

10-12 Board members are exempted from paying participation fees in Natura’s events. The cost of participation of the board members is not to be covered by other participants, but by the organization.

10-13 Board members are obliged to accept and follow Natura’s ethical guidelines, terms and conditions like other members, tour leaders/guides and participants. Any changes in Naturas’s terms and conditions are approved by the board. Natura board members are expected to act as role models for the organization.

10-14 Board members are volunteering and are not to be remunerated or paid in any way for their work for the organization.

§11 Use of bank account

11-1 Signature rights are exclusive to the board leader and treasurer. Only these board members are allowed access to the organization's bank account. All payments for the organization's operation must be reported to the board leader.

11-2 Private expenses must be documented and logged in the expenses forms and sent to the treasurer. All payments must be done using Natura’s payment solutions, it is prohibited to use private payment solutions (e.g. private Vipps) for this purpose.

11-3 It is prohibited to give remunerations to private persons for services done for Natura.

§ 12 General decisions

12-1 Dissolution and merging.

Dissolution of Natura or merging/submission to another organization can only be done by two thirds majority of votes at the General Assembly.

12-2 Implementation.

These bylaws are valid from and including the 1st of December 2023 and will from this point replace any older bylaws.